Customer Testimonials

Has your mailbox survived a brutal attack of hooligans with baseball bats or a nasty run-in with a snowplow?

Did you have a particularly pleasant experience with our customer service team? Is your Mail Boss just ridiculously good looking and you want to share a picture? Please let us know and we’ll include your stories, comments, and installation photos here.


Mail Boss Testimonial from Michael

Sky Ranch HOA MailBoss Testimonial

Mail Manager Bulk Buy Testimonial

“Love My Mail Boss” Testimonial on Facebook

Mail thief tries and fails to pry open Mail Boss

Mail Manager Testimonial: “They didn’t take my mail”

“Thank You for Peace of Mind” from Marianne

Testimonial: Townhouse Made with Pride and Dedication!

Testimonial: “Wow, what a great design!”

Testimonial: “Great Service”

Mail Boss “so much better than SOLAR GROUP” Mailsafe

Free Mail Boss Shipping to Alaska on

Homeowners Replace Wyngate with “Superior” MailBoss

Mail Boss Thank You from Renton, WA

Homeowner Says: “Beware! MailSafe NOT Secure”

Mail Boss Testimonial from Peoria, AZ