Customer Testimonials

Has your mailbox survived a brutal attack of hooligans with baseball bats or a nasty run-in with a snowplow?

Did you have a particularly pleasant experience with our customer service team? Is your Mail Boss just ridiculously good looking and you want to share a picture? Please let us know and we’ll include your stories, comments, and installation photos here.


Mail Boss Hit by Car: Thrown 40 Feet, Barely Scuffed

“Thanks for a Fantastic Product!”

4th Locking Mailbox Finally Keeps Thieves Out

Blogger Review and Giveaway: Mail Manager

Mail Boss Hit by Semi Truck, Virtually Undamaged

FYI – This mailbox is fantastic!

Mail Boss Withstands Neighborhood Mailbox Burglar

VIDEO: Mail Manager Review

MailBoss Hit and Run

Melissa endorses Mail Boss Customer Service after installation ‘snafu’

Note of Thanks for Mail Boss Customer Service

“I’d love to see the other guy”

Package Master vs. Toyota Corolla in Atlanta GA

Mail Boss Anecdote from Seattle, WA

Package Master gives peace of mind

Testimonial: “Great Customer Service”