Customer Testimonials

Has your mailbox survived a brutal attack of hooligans with baseball bats or a nasty run-in with a snowplow?

Did you have a particularly pleasant experience with our customer service team? Is your Mail Boss just ridiculously good looking and you want to share a picture? Please let us know and we’ll include your stories, comments, and installation photos here.


Mail Boss Package Master Endorsement

A Must Read from Steve – LOVE This!

Greg from Oakland says "great product and looks nice to boot!"

Just installed a new Epoch security mailbox and have to tell you that the design and construction are quite excellent. Even the small touches like the included drill bit is fantastic.

Thanks for a great product, we certainly appreciate it AND it looks nice to boot!

Mail Boss Testimonial from Oakland, CA

Best Locking Mailbox Reviews

Attempted Mail Boss Prying… Twice

Another Mail Boss survives impact

Attempted Mail Boss Burglary in Auburn

Testimonial: Mail Boss vs. 30-Ton Farm Equipment

William: Package Master “Best purchase I ever made”

Mail Boss Survives Brutal Hit-and-Run!

Mailbox Strength and Durability on Impact

A True Life #BetterByBoss Success!

Mail Boss Anecdote #1

Lodi Prying Thieves Target Mail Boss

Flag Attachment for Brick Column Installations

Jack in Tampa: “Mail Boss Survived!”

Another Mail Boss Mailbox Survives Collision with Car