Mail Manager Bulk Buy Testimonial

After KOMO 4 featured a Haller Lake community that arranged a Mail Manager bulk buy to prevent mail theft, we had an influx of other requests for large volume orders in the greater Seattle the area.

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One such inquiry came from Francis in North Seattle. She arranged an order of 44 Mail Manager for her community.

Her neighbors have since installed their shiny new mailboxes and are feeling much safer. Francis emailed us to report:

“Our neighbors are very happy with the quality of the Mail Manager locking mailbox. We’re installing ours today and we’re happy that we’ve finally got some security as we have serious mail theft issues in our neighborhood.

I appreciate your willingness to work with us and that you were able to give us such a great price for our Mail Manager bulk buy.

Thanks a lot.


We strive to offer our customers a product that will provide peace of mind, and nothing feels better than when we are able to do that for residents in our own communities. So, Francis, it was our pleasure!

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