Friday: Food for Thought

Supporting local hardware stores – one step toward saving the economy

With the state of our economy, we all need to be conscious of how we spend our money. Small business is the cornerstone of a healthy economy, employing over 60% of Americans. With that in mind, we came across a cause we hope you will all support.

Check out the 3/50 Project here.

In short, the 3/50 project is an effort in “SAVING THE BRICK AND MORTARS OUR NATION IS BUILT ON“…

… and it involves:

3: What three independently owned businesses would you miss if they disappeared? Stop in. Say hello. Pick up something that brings a smile. Your purchases are what keep those businesses around.

50: If half the employed population spent $50 each month in locally owned independent businesses, it would generate more than $42.6 billion in revenue. Imagine the positive impact if 3/4 the employed population did that.

68: For every $100 spent in locally owned independent stores, $68 returns to the community through taxes, payroll, and other expenditures. If you spend that in a national chain, only $43 stays here.

1: The number of people it takes to start the trend… you.

This project really hit home for us, mostly because Mail Boss as a brand is fully dedicated to supporting small independent hardware stores. We DO NOT sell inline at Home Depot or Lowe’s. You will not find our Mail Boss in these stores. We provide Ace Hardware, True Value, and other independent hardware stores with a product that they can profit from, and that also provides homeowners with a real solution to a growing problem: mail identity theft.

So your Friday Food for Thought: Stop in to your local Ace Hardware or True Value and say hello… make a purchase. And remember that you are supporting not only that business but also your community.

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