Mail Boss Radio Ads on KTTH, JACK and KMPS

What do you think of our new Mail Boss radio commercials?

radio logosWe have embarked on a three month radio advertising campaign in Washington state on 770 AM KTTH96.5 FM JACK and 94.1 FM KMPS . We are striving to generate consumer awareness of the prevalence of mail identity theft, and the importance of securing personal information with a high-quality security locking mailbox (ahem- the Mail Boss).

The radio ad tags some of our valued Mail Boss dealers (Ace Hardware, True Value, McLendon Hardware & Fred Meyer) where you can find the Mail Boss locking mailbox. We’re hoping this will bring our dealers some new customers, because when they’re are happy, we’re happy!

We’re new to this whole ‘radio advertising’ thing so please let us know what you think of our 30 second spots!

Airing on weekdays on 770 AM KTTH – Listen here:


Airing on weekends on 96.5 JACK FM and 94.1 KMPS FM – Listen here:


The radio ad script:

You protect yourself from identity theft by shredding your personal documents, so why would you leave them outside in your mailbox for thieves to steal? Lock it up, with the Mail Boss.

The Mail Boss high security locking mailbox protects your bank statements, credit card numbers, and other sensitive mail with heavy-duty welded steel and patented security features.

Don’t be a victim of identity theft.

[AM Version] Go to Mail Boss dot net for more info. That’s Mail Boss dot net. Find the Mail Boss security mailbox at Ace Hardware, True Value, McLendons and Fred Meyer.

[FM Version] Get a quality high security locking mailbox. Get the Mail Boss! Go to Mail Boss dot net for more info, or ask for the Mail Boss by name at Ace Hardware, True Value, McLendons and Fred Meyer.

Any questions, comments or feedback are greatly appreciated!


  1. Jessica on September 29, 2009 at 12:33 pm

    I like the Sound FX on the AM KTTH version better than the FM versions…

    Just IMHO

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